Record girl
Fight fast food with Slow ice-cream
The most delicious ice-cream ever!
People need love..
People need love.
They ain’t need your money.
They ain’t need your cars.
They ain’t need your cards.
They need your love.
They need your attention.
They need your appreciation.
They ain’t need your stupid stuff.
They ain’t need a damn house from the covers of the magazines.
They need a place in your heart.
They need to feel your loving arms.
They need to love you.
If you know someone who ain’t gonna agree with that, God, this someone ain’t a person. He is a good you could grab from the shelf and pay for it at the till.
People need love!
Winner :)
Annie has made new records today!!!
Snatch: 32 kg
Clean and Jerk: 45 kg
Total: 77 kg
So happy!!! 🙂
Happy :)
Finally, I have a new record to show off with 🙂
Yesterday, I did 44 kilos clean and jerk.
Unfortunately, it was not my day for snatching. I felt too insecure I could put a new record. However, I learnt a lesson – educate out fear and turn it into a building block!
So proud 🙂
Be a leader, don’t be an enemy!
I have always wondered what the best image describing the difference between a leader and a bossy boss would be.
Could not be better described than:
Beauty here, beauty there, beauty Everywhere!
We are All surrounded by beauty!
Open you eyes and hearts for it 🙂
Don’t look back, look NOW..
This is not a piece of the lyrics of an old refrain.
This is not a lesson on life.
This is not a preach.
This is a real-life story.
This is what wise people try to teach us.
This is a piece of advice.
Have you ever felt how painful growth could be? Have you ever suffered the torture of the change? Well, I can tell you for sure, they both cannot be as painful as the feeling of staying stuck somewhere you do not belong could be.
If you ever feel there is an opportunity far better out there waiting for you, this has just marked the beginning of your new life, new “you”..
Once you take on the path of your new journey, forget about all the small minds trying to convince you that your dreams are too big.
Remember how awesome you could be and all you have to do is to keep on walking.
Every moment you tear yourself up between past and future is a moment you waste in the present.
Present is what we have and can control.
Live now, love now, laugh now.
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